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Southampton County land and farms are great buys for developers, investors and sportsmen because of its skilled workforce, rural lifestyle, affordable wages and plentiful wildlife. Located in the Coastal Plain, land in Southampton County is adjacent to Surry, Isle of Wight, Greensville and Sussex counties, cities of Franklin and Suffolk and North Carolina counties of Hertford and Northampton. The 602-square-mile county is home to 17,631 residents. Farming and forestry are the traditional foundation of the local economy. Southampton County farmland encompasses 141,942 acres and crops are 82 percent of the agricultural sales. Twenty-six percent of the acreage remains as woodlands. The largest private employers are Meherrin Agricultural and Chemical Company, Enviva Management Co. LLC and Solenis LLC. Fishermen can wet a line in the Nottoway, Blackwater and Meherrin Rivers and other creeks and ponds where they can catch bass, crappie, catfish and other species. Hunters can bag deer, bear, turkeys and small game. Other attractions include the Southampton Agriculture and Forestry Museum/Heritage Museum, Nottoway Indian Tribe Community House and Interpretive Center, Cypress Bridge Swamp Natural Area Preserve and the Rochelle Prince House. Southampton County Public Schools provides K-12 public education.