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North Carolina timberland for sale ranges from slow-growth hardwoods in the western part of the state to rapid-growth pines in the eastern part of the state. According to the North Carolina Forest Service, nearly two-thirds of the state is classified as commercial forest land, and most of this land has had merchantable timber cut from it at least twice. This means there is practically no virgin forest remaining in North Carolina. Interestingly, a large portion of the state’s forest land has been previously cleared for agricultural use and later returned to its forested state. If properly managed, the Forest Service explains, the third crop of forest on a piece of land has the potential to be more productive than the original forest. Timberland owners who keep conservation and careful management of the trees as the top priority, as well as watershed management, wildlife management and the recreational benefits of the land will be the most successful and feel the most rewards from the land. Our agents are land specialists who can help you with all of these considerations in North Carolina timberland for sale.
North Carolina timberland for sale is found all across the state. Large investment tracts typically consist of fast-growing loblolly pine, which is the most important commercial timber tree in the state. Used for lumber, pulpwood, plywood, poles and piling, loblolly typically grows from the Coastal Plain through the Piedmont. Longleaf pine is making a comeback in the Sandhills region. In the western, mountainous regions of the state, Frasier fir is grown extensively for the Christmas tree industry. These are only a few examples of the wide variety of North Carolina timberland for sale.