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Whether you’re looking for a big institutional-style tract or a small piece of timber property, there are many options in Virginia timberland for sale, and we can help you find them. Savvy investors can find Virginia timberland for sale that’s populated with fast-growing trees like pines and cedars, slow-growth hardwoods like hickory and walnut and everything in between. Our team of land specialist agents can help you decide if timberland investment is right for you. Keep in mind that it is to the landowner’s advantage to consider good forestry practices and a conservation ethos in relation to timberlands. What attracts many buyers to timberland is not only the income potential, but also the prospect of using the site for other purposes. If the thought of living on a rural site among the trees is appealing, Virginia timberland could be for you. Other uses for Virginia timberland are hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, horse farms and other types of recreation.
What types of trees are you interested in growing? What types of trees grow well in the area you are considering? What is the market value and market history of the type of timber you are considering? How old are the trees on the property? What management and conservation practices will be required, and is there a reputable forester in the area? For help with these and many other questions, let our agents help you find Virginia timberland for sale.