What Is My Property Worth

“What Is My Property Worth?” This is the most pressing question our customers consider when deciding whether to sell their property and the most frequently asked question we get at Land and Farms Realty. But determining what your property is worth can be complicated! Potential sellers don’t just have to worry about gathering all the right information—they also have to worry about asking all the right questions. Here, we have listed several categories that help give a comprehensive look at your property or the property you want to evaluate. Simply click on the appropriate header to see all the suggested information, documents, links, and resources you will need to determine your property’s true value. If you’d rather get started selling right away, click here to connect with a Local Land Specialist.
Get a Free, No-Obligation Price Evaluation
Even if you have all the information, sometimes it’s a struggle to understand it. There are a lot of factors that go into a property’s value: the state of the property market, the property’s size or age, its condition, etc. Plus, even fairly straightforward values can change depending on location, with differences across state and even county lines. Our Local Land Specialists are just what they sound like: they specialize in knowing how to evaluate your property, where you are.
Our team of highly trained brokers and agents are experts at determining accurate pricing models for Land, Homes, and Estate Properties. If you’re interested in Selling your property soon, we’re happy to offer our customers a Free, No-Obligation Price Evaluation of your property. Not only that, we will also provide a plan to market and sell your property at the highest and best price possible. Click here to connect with a Local Land Specialist and we’ll get right to work!
Trust the Experts at America’s #1 Outdoor Brand
A personal touch makes a difference. Our track record of thorough research, expertise, and world-class marketing have consistently sold properties at an average of 96% of the asking price. A personal brokers’ ability to thoroughly and efficiently understand your unique situation can’t be matched. Trust the experts at America’s #1 outdoor brand to help you find the very best price for your property, develop a state-of-the-art marketing plan, and get it sold on schedule. Let’s get started! Click here to connect with a Local Land Specialist and start achieving your real estate goals.
How We Can Help
Sell with Land and Farms Realty
The four toolboxes below can help you categorize the type of property you want to evaluate. Each has its own detailed list of all the questions and information we use to prepare an accurate “Broker Opinion of Value” so you can make the best decision for your situation.
As you will see, there is a lot that goes into a proper price evaluation. If at any point, you would rather simplify with a Free, No Obligation Price Evaluation of your property, then simply click here and we'll connect with one of our Local Land Specialists right away to help you achieve your real estate goals.
Where Do I Start?
It can take a while to track down all the necessary resources for a price evaluation. We’ve put together a comprehensive set of informational documents, sample agreements, legal disclosures, and other resources that you might find useful while determining the price of your property or working with a real estate agent. If you have any questions about any of these documents or want more information, click here to get in touch with a Local Land Specialist.