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Named for its “rich land,” land for sale in Richland County, SC, has long benefited from the area’s warm climate and plentiful rainfall. The past ten years has seen an increase in working farms in Richland County, SC, as farmers take advantage of the area’s natural resources and proximity to South Carolina’s capital city. Columbia acts as Richland County’s seat, providing infrastructural support to the rest of the county. Richland County, SC, houses twelve universities and colleges, including the main branch of the University of South Carolina. Land and farms in Richland County, SC, are serviced by the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority, which offers affordable public transportation between seven Richland County cities, as well as the US Army’s Fort Jackson. Properties available in Richland County include estates of all sizes and price ranges, historical properties, farmland, commercial and recreational land, and acreages.
Richland County’s many rivers and lakes give plentiful opportunities for outdoor recreation. The Broad, Congaree, Little, Saluda, and Wateree Rivers all make their way through Richland County, with each offering a unique experience of the great outdoors, right from the backyard of Richland County, SC, land and farms. For a slower-paced environment, Lake Murray maintains several beaches and boat ramps, with state-run Dreher Island State Park offering boating, hiking, camping, fishing, and picnic areas on the lake’s largest island. The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden is home to over 2,000 animals, and maintains a zoo, aquarium, and botanical garden along the Saluda River, offering exciting and educational activities for all ages. Congaree National Park, South Carolina’s only national park, sits just twelve miles south of Eastover. Those seeking arts and culture can attend theatrical performances in one of the county’s many local theaters, attend the South Carolina Philharmonic Orchestra or the Palmetto Opera, or visit one of the county’s local museums.
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