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Farms and land in Scotland County, NC offer investors, businesses, developers and outdoorsmen opportunities to take advantage of the low wages and skilled labor in the county. Bordered by South Carolina, Scotland County, NC land is adjacent to Hoke, Roberson, Richmond and Moore counties. The 320-square-mile county is located on the border of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain and is home to 34,823 residents. Manufacturing, farming and lumbering are the largest sectors of its economic base. Almost 55,000 acres are used for farming. Livestock and poultry provide 90% of agricultural sales. Thirty-six percent of the acreage remains as woodlands. Among the top private employers are FCC NC LLC, Pilkington North America Inc. Manufacturing, Maverick Transportation LLC and Farmers Furniture Co. Hunters can take their shots at deer, turkeys, doves and waterfowl at Sandhill Game Lands and hunt private property. Occasionally, wild hogs are taken in the area. The Lumber River, Shoe Heel and Jordan creeks and Big Muddy Lake are just a few of the places where fishermen catch bass and trout. The Scotland County Highland Games celebrate the Scottish and Celtic cultures of the region. Visitors also enjoy the Scottish Heritage Center as well as the Indian Museum of the Carolinas. Scotland County Schools provides public education for K-12, and Saint Andrews University offers higher learning.