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Hertford County, NC land and farms beckon to developers, investors, manufacturing companies and outdoors-oriented people. Approximately 24,000 residents live in the 360-square-mile county that includes 7.3 square miles of water. Nestled on the Virginia border south of Southhampton County, Va., Hertford County, NC also is surrounded by Gates, Chowan, Bertie and Northampton counties on the Coastal Plain. Farming use accounts for 81,000 acres of land in Hertford County. Seventy-four percent of the farmland is used for crops, and 24% remains woodlands. Agricultural sales include 67% in livestock and poultry and 33% in crops. Among the county’s largest private employers are Nucor Corp., Jernigan Oil Co., Geo Corrections & Detention, Kerr Glass Manufacturing and Perdue Products. Inc. Sportmen enjoy great bear, deer and turkey hunting. Fishermen come away with bragging rights after sinking their lines in the Chowan River and lakes and streams in Gates County. Hertford County is home of the Meherrin Indian Nation. The tribe today has approximately 900 enrolled members, most living within 10–15 miles of the former reservation. It is recognized by the state and is seeking federal recognition. Hertford County Schools provides K-12 public education. Roanoke-Chowan Community College, Shaw University Cape Center and Chowan University provide classes for higher education. Roanoke-Chowan Community College also will custom design training classes for new and expanding business for little or no cost.