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If you’re considering South Carolina timberland for sale in the northeast corner of the state, you’ve come to the right place. We are land specialists, and our team includes foresters and timberland managers who know this industry inside and out. Private, nonindustrial landowners own 74% of the South Carolina forestland, and properties are available for sale. The state’s timberlands can be a profitable investment, but it is important to remember that timberland owners have a responsibility to adopt best management practices to ensure a healthy forest as well as conservation of wildlife, clean air and clean water. One of the best benefits of timberland investment, one that often outweighs any monetary gain, is the ability to use the land for enjoyment, such as connecting with nature, recreating outdoors and making memories with friends and family. When it comes to South Carolina timberland for sale, we can help you find the perfect property to satisfy your income-producing and recreational goals.
Forest products are the third largest manufacturing industry in South Carolina. Two-thirds of the state is forested, and more than half of the forestland is hardwood timber. In the northeast corner of the state, much of the forestland is fast-growing pine, including loblolly, longleaf and others. These trees are harvested for lumber, pulpwood, plywood and poles. Our land specialists can help you find timberland for sale in South Carolina’s northeast region, including Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Dillon, Lee, Florence, Marion, Horry, Williamsburg and Georgetown counties and the surrounding area.